You Rock


United Nations Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples

My People International

is a non-sectarian organization dedicated to working together with the Indigenous community in the development of the full leadership capacity of Native North Americans and other Indigenous peoples

Reconciliation Education

4 Seasons of Reconciliation is a multi-media teaching unit that promotes a renewed relationship between Indigenous Peoples and Canadians, through transformative multi-media learning.

The 60’s Scoop

The mass removal of Aboriginal children from their families into the child welfare system, in most cases without the consent of their families or bands.

First Contact
A History of Canada in Ten Maps

A History of Canada in Ten Maps

by Adam Shoalts

The world as it appeared to those who were called upon to map it. What would the new world look like to wandering Vikings, who thought they had drifted into a land of mythical creatures, or Samuel de Champlain, who had no idea of the vastness of the