You Rock


In the Spring of 2016, we were finally able to work directly with Kallie on the design and delivery of Reconciliation Canada's National Reconciliation Gathering in Saskatoon. She effortlessly moderated an eight-hour conference hosting seventy-five community leaders, followed by a public evening event hosting one-hundred and fifty community members. Not only is she able to elegantly facilitate the space for emergent dialogue, she is also willing and able to safely share her own personal story and journey, creating the opportunity for those around her to do the same.
Not only did Kallie provide day-of conference moderation, she also generously shared her insights and experience from working with Indigenous peoples across Canada. She is culturally sensitive, thoughtful and sincere in her engagement with Indigenous communities and all Canadians.

Without a doubt I confidently support Kallie in all the great work that she does across Canada. She is an inspiring Indigenous woman with an overwhelming ability to inspire human connection, reconciliation and hope.

Chief Dr. Robert Joseph Ambassador, Reconciliation Canada
Converging Pathways is a needed prophetic voice that profoundly impacts people's worldview and is an effective catalyst for hope and healing in our nation. Kallie and Chris are dynamic and gifted professional presenters, making truth and reconciliation not only practical for everyone to pursue, but we have seen them ignite contagious hope and deep-level passion for a brighter future. It has been fascinating to watch! What sets Converging Pathways apart is how they embody raw truth, authentic healing, and unconditional reconciliatory love for people. In our pursuit to connect, equip and mobilize Canadian church communities to effectively care for vulnerable children and families, Forever Families of Canada is thrilled for what Converging Pathways accomplishes. They have become our secret sauce to greater Indigenous mindfulness in the faith sector and our go to in helping lead lasting change. The best is yet to come!

Wendi Park Executive Director, Forever Families of Canada
Kallie Wood has distinguished herself as an exceptional strategic life learner throughout her journey. She is a person of high integrity, authenticity and transparency. She is a stimulating and rich communicator with an amazing story to tell. Her story is unbelievable, engaging and compelling. She has a growing circle of influence and strength who support her in her passionate pursuit of influence and resourcing of her own Aboriginal people throughout and beyond Canada. Her ability to bring help, hope, resourcing, leadership and influence to her people is remarkable. Her passionate, authentic, truth-filled and hope-filled communication is creating an expanding awareness of the Aboriginal needs across the various cultural expanses of North America. Her deep longing toward truth and reconciliation and unconditional forgiveness has given her access to connecting with and learning from the finest of leaders, mediators, Chiefs, politicians, and officers within the Aboriginal world as well as the national leadership in our country. She has a unique journey, story and training that allows her to bring together the polarities of race, culture, color, class, ideals and beliefs. She is receiving ever increasing and expanding opportunities to deliver her messages of hope, help and resourcing. You will not want to miss hearing what she has to share.

Paul E. Magnus President Emeritus and Distinguished Professor of Leadership/Management Briercrest College and Seminary
Consultant/Coach/Facilitator with PJ Magnus Co
Kallie, it has been a pleasure to get to know you this weekend. It is such a beautiful thing to meet others and feel an instant connection to one another around a common purpose. I love Big Vision but have a heart for the details of how we get there one step at a time. Your Big Vision for reconciliation is so beautiful and necessary in Canada and your passion for it is imprinted on your heart as God opens doors for you to bring it into being one conversation, one connection at a time. Enjoy a beautiful day my friend.

Karen Kamphuis, Gather Women Team Executive Director Lakeside HOPE House
As a fellow life-long learner, I have been privileged to interact with Kallie in an educational environment. Her observations and input are appreciated by all. However, the thing I value most about Kallie is more of a "sense" than an observable outward quality; she exudes a sense of safety – that she would never squander trust extended to her. Her love-reservoir is deep, her wisdom is vast and optimism contagious. I am honoured to call her friend.

Rod Barks Regional Director, Apostolic Church of Pentecost of Canada
I have had the pleasure of having Kallie speak with my classes the past two years. I thoroughly enjoy her non-judgemental, soft spoken, honest presenting style, which has been well received by my students.
Student responses:
- Inspires people to help their community
- Speaks in order, has a purpose
- Reality
- Nice to hear her story, that it is hers, she is not relating it about someone else
- Involves the audience
- Like the circle
- Talking stick (even though she forgot it)
- Interesting
Kallie’s story is ever mindful of the atrocious decisions made by our leaders of the past. However, we cannot dwell on the past, but work towards making this country, world of ours a better place. It is going to take the efforts of many like Kallie to reach our children, as they are our future.

Deb Negraiff Teacher - Grade 7/8, Westmount School
Kallie Wood is a courageous Aboriginal woman who is choosing to face the historical ignorance that exists in this country head on. Her direct yet
generous approach in educating Canadians about its history with Aboriginal people is inspiring.

Kallie believes in the power of reconciliation. She uses her own story of the 60s scoop to teach others about the effects of the residential schools and helps raise awareness of the Aboriginal experience.

Because of her love of all Canadians, people listen to her and are encouraged to shift their thinking. This is what the Truth & Reconciliation
Commission set out to achieve: create shifts in thought. And Kallie Wood is a leader in shifting outdated beliefs.

Andrea Menard Singer, Actor, Writer, Speaker
Simulating a hockey rink, Chris and Kallie created a safe respective environment so a group of almost all men could share how they identified themselves, and what they brought to the table.
We were then ready to share the “why” we are here – why we continue to be part of the game of hockey and why volunteer for our various roles.
Hearing the stories of why people volunteer brought us together as a group.

Mary Anne Veroba Board Chair, Saskatchewan Hockey Association
Board Member, Hockey Canada
What a blessing it was to meet Kallie Wood.
Her passion for healing and reconciliation between First Nations Canadians and white Canadians is the driving force behind her total commitment to that end. She is a tremendous resource for anyone who shares the desire to bring all people into the unity of the Body of Christ. I look forward to working with her and being empowered by her passion.

Richie Davies Founder Gospel for Samaria
I just wanted to say a huge thanks to Chris and Kallie of the You Rock Team! They did a team building event with our Atom hockey team this year and it was awesome! There were games and races, players vs parents, interactive discussions and lots of laughs! They are a great team, who work very hard to help others find success in challenges they face! Once again on behalf of the MJ Atom B Blackhawks hockey team, Great job and Thank you!

Darren Pratte Head Coach, MJ Atom B Blackhawks
Canada has such a rich history of indigenous culture yet a sordid past of pain and suffering through colonization and imperfect progress as a nation. Very few leaders can navigate the tension well with respect, gentleness and authority such as Kallie Wood of Converging Pathways. Reconciliation is a journey. One we cannot navigate without education, inspiration, motivation and forgiveness. Kallie is a woman of faith I've known in leadership circles for many years and I admire her passion and resilience to cast a grand vision across this nation

Jodi Kozan Founder of Women's Journey of Faith and founding chair of Hope Restored Canada
Kallie has a natural ability to create an environment of comfort and trust, which allowed the Aboriginal elders and participants to be engaged in the process. The process of building long term care became about the relationships and bringing a community together thanks to the efforts of Kallie's involvement.

Working with Kallie has been an honour and I look forward to a continued relationship with her to enhance Aboriginal engagement in our Province.

Elder Myles Charles Council Lac LaRonge First Nation, Treaty 6
Kallie is one who practices what she preaches. She believes in teaching and learning through narrative and she herself has proven to be a skilled instructor, mainly through sharing her own significant and moving story. Without fail, she captures the interest of her audience members – both children and adults alike. She is passionate about the message behind her story and as a result she motivates her audience to action.
Kallie brings a message of compassion and hope to a broken world. Her desire to see and experience reconciliation in this nation drives her forward in creating Aboriginal awareness – to virtually everyone she meets. As an Aboriginal woman and leader, she has captured the attention of the most influential of leaders in North America – including politicians, theologians, Aboriginal Chiefs and elders.
I believe Kallie will continue to influence this nation – one story at a time! Ultimately her message is drawn from the Source of hope, peace, and forgiveness – her Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ.

Cynthia A. Boyd EdD Director of Gifted Education and Professional Development, Jupiter Christian School, Jupiter Flordia USA
Our school was more than excited to have Kallie and Chris from Converging Pathways be guest speakers in our grade 4 classroom. Their knowledge and expertise helped bring real life experiences into the learning curriculum we have been learning. They not only educated us but inspired us by their personal stories and words of encouragement. My students made valuable connections but I as a teacher, feel more knowledgeable about Canadian history and the past. Knowing the story of our ancestors and culture before us, helped us gain an understanding of who we are today and how we got here. They inspired us to be accepting of others, acknowledging differences, celebrating uniqueness and to have pride in who we are.

Jen Pratte St Michael’s School
I'm very impressed and I can truly feel your passion through telling your story and you are very eloquent and expressive in your communication about all this.
It's encouraging to see Briercrest be an example in taking initiative toward a strong effort in seeking to understand Aboriginal people and their issues through the realm of education and other aspects...these are good positive steps...I commend Briercrest for that and the courage it displays to make the Aboriginal component in the Institution a vital part of its operations...with God and His help and guidance I foresee good things unfolding going forward...I'm encouraged, excited and engaged!!
I would be honored to be included in your Circle of influence Kallie..count me are an influence!

Abe Jolly Director General, Quebec Cree School Board
Kallie's understanding and practice of reconciliation is based in both spirituality and concrete action. She understands and is committed to achieving a form of reconciliation that involves all Canadians and is informed by both domestic and international approaches. I strongly recommend Kallie as a facilitator on matters related to reconciliation and the space and dialogue required to achieve change in this area.

Patrick Brennan Executive Director, Institute for the Study of International Development, McGill University
Thank you so much for the gift of your time today. It was DELIGHTFUL to feel your heart, see you passion, hear your dreams and be inspired by your example. Your dedication to your people moved me. Your intentionality to be of service to your people and to see their future, and the future of all Canadians be different than our current reality inspired me. I hope this will be the beginning of not only a professional connection but a source of encouragement and friendship.

Beth McLean-Wiest Executive Director, Harmony through Harmony Calgary, AB
It was an honor and a privilege to work with Kallie Wood for our Rise Up, Sister gathering. Kallie brims with joy and it was such a pleasure to journey with someone who is easygoing, fun and yet wise. We are grateful for the stories and wisdom she shared with our community. We remember her generous spirit—a gift that still lingers in our hearts.

Idelette McVicker Founder and Editor-in-Chief

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Little Bird
Indian Horse

Indian Horse

Saul Indian Horse is dying. Tucked away in a hospice high above the clash and clang of a big city, he embarks on a marvellous journey of imagination back through the life he led as a northern Ojibway, with all its sorrows and joys.

A magical new novel from the bestselling author of One Native Life.