You Rock

You Rock Challenge®

The YOU Rock Challenge® educates, inspires and motivates all in attendance to recognize the strength in difference and build inclusive, respectful relationships amongst one another.

An approved Indspire Successful Practice , this program for students and their teachers to create a culture of inclusion and respect, free of bullying.  It builds team work and allows the students to create a movement among their peers of leadership, accepting differences and working together by supporting and encouraging each other to learn.  It is self-image and empowerment building for the students and instills thoughtfulness and respect for peers, adults, and the school regardless of students’ racial, ethnic, or socioeconomic backgrounds. Relationships foster a sense of belonging, which is an important basis for learning.   

Listen with your heart, learn from your experience, and always be open to new ones.

“Our future, and the well-being of all our children rests with the kind of relationships we build today.”
Chief Dr. Robert Joseph


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The YOU Rock Challenge® is FUN, engaging, relevant, multicultural, and appealing to a variety of modalities and learning styles. Chris and Kallie ignite the students with energy and encourage success for the challenge!  Chris and Kallie use a structured, collaborative approach to provide students with specific roles and supports to build successful relationships.  They create a space that supports and encourages students to work together!!  

Feedback indicates that the concept works, with young people clamouring to take part, with improved relationships with teachers at school, with a reduction - or even cessation - of bullying abuse among students.

The YOU Rock Challenge communicates healthy relationships and social education messages in a positive and supportive environment.  The end result is classroom that is like a family/team with a safe environment for growth.

For many students, school can be a lonely place, and low classroom acceptance by peers can be linked with subsequent disengagement and lowered achievement.
Source: Hattie (2012). Visible learning for teachers: Maximising impact on learning (p. 78). Routledg



The YOU Rock Challenge® is offered in the classroom in a school environment setting.  Chris and Kallie attend the school and engage in and introductory session with the teacher/s and students to kick off the program and then follow and support them throughout.  The program concludes with a ‘YOU Rock Challenge’ celebration and activities for the students.

The YOU Rock Challenge is a scheduled event with each school upon their request.  The program goes on for as many students there are in the classroom based on school day schedule.  (25 students plus a teacher – would be 26 school days). 

Contact us to find out more or to book the You Rock Challenge for your class.



The You Rock’ Challenge encourages students to step outside of their circle to acknowledge the value in their peers and in themselves!! Chris and Kallie are a dynamic dual who clearly understand the value and need for our youth to care about themselves and others. Deb Negraiff, Teacher

“Thank you for coming into class and teaching us more about friendship, honesty and respect. I know I most definitely feel different about my classmates in a positive way. You guys have given us an amazing opportunity to show each other how we feel about each other and to get closer with one another. We have gained lots of respect for each other and we owe it all to you guys, you have showed us how to be kind, which we should’ve already known how to do, but we needed a lot more work. The “You Rock” challenge was an awesome experience and allowed me to show my friends and classmates that I care about them a lot. Thank You for coming in and showing the class how to work together as team and how to respect each other as people. We still have a long way to go before we completely respect each other, but this is the best year I have had in school since kindergarten. Thank you!”
Ashlee Grade 8

“Kallie and Chris, Thank you for making this AWESOME challenge and letting us participate. I would also like to say that you have brought this class closer and more of a family. You are now a part of our class and you have made a huge impact in our lives in school and out. I feel like you don’t just like going to classes to have to do the “You Rock Challenge”, you love it and you care about the people. It made our classroom a family.”
Michael Grade 8


First Contact
Call Me Indian

Call Me Indian

Fred Sasakamoose, torn from his home at the age of seven, endured the horrors of residential school for a decade before becoming one of 120 players in the most elite hockey league in the world. He has been heralded as the first Indigenous player with Treaty status in the NHL, making his official debut as a 1954 Chicago Black Hawks player on Hockey Night in Canada and teaching Foster Hewitt how to pronounce his name. Sasakamoose played against such legends as Gordie Howe, Jean Beliveau, and Maurice Richard.