
School of Women in Ministry



Kallie has joined the Faculty at the School of Women in Ministry and will be leading an amazing group of women on January 23, 2021 on Transforming Communities.  Join Kallie and investigate the biblical worldview of suffering, our role, and response in a suffering world, the current contemporary dimensions of suffering, and develop a set of personal practical lifestyle guidelines that actively alleviate suffering in our communities and the world.

Space is limited for this course offering.  Use this link to enrol today and see all that the School of Women in Ministry based out of Edmonton, Alberta have to offer.

1491: The Untold Story of the Americas Before Columbus
A History of Canada in Ten Maps

A History of Canada in Ten Maps

by Adam Shoalts

The world as it appeared to those who were called upon to map it. What would the new world look like to wandering Vikings, who thought they had drifted into a land of mythical creatures, or Samuel de Champlain, who had no idea of the vastness of the