
Today is National Indigenous Peoples Day



Today is National Indigenous Peoples Day. We encourage you to take time with your families and attend the activities in your areas to join us in celebrating our culture and the healing journey of reconciliation that we are all on. The best education is walking alongside to better understand.

“A breeze is stirring, change is coming. Feel the sun on your wings.” - Excerpt from the Council of Indigenous Grandmothers.

This picture is my grandchildren, our generations coming up - standing inside the tipi and placing their hands on the tipi. There are many life teachings that come from the tipi.

Building Strength, resiliency and confidence in our children and teaching our ways of knowing is the way forward. Wherever you are today, walk on Mother Earth and pause... breathe and thank the Creator for another day. #nipd2019 #nipd #nipdcanada #tipi #youth #children #grandchildren #indigenous #turtleisland

You are on Indian Land


by Waubgeshig Rice

In the winter of 1989, Eva Gibson is a university student living in downtown Toronto. She’s homesick for her community in northern Ontario, but she’s determined to get her education to one day return home and serve her fellow Anishinaabe people.