

Chief Dr. Robert Joseph, Ambassador Reconciliation

The reality for many non-Aboriginal people is that they have few opportunities to articulate their attitudes towards reconciliation or Aboriginal people in social contexts and, consequently, misinformation and prejudice inform those occasions when such issues arise. The journey to reconciliation is the goal. It is a goal that will take the commitment of multiple generations but when it is achieved – when we have reconciliation – it will make for a better, stronger Canada.

Reconciliation means working together to correct the legacy of past injustice.

Nelson Mandela

You are on Indian Land
Call Me Indian

Call Me Indian

Fred Sasakamoose, torn from his home at the age of seven, endured the horrors of residential school for a decade before becoming one of 120 players in the most elite hockey league in the world. He has been heralded as the first Indigenous player with Treaty status in the NHL, making his official debut as a 1954 Chicago Black Hawks player on Hockey Night in Canada and teaching Foster Hewitt how to pronounce his name. Sasakamoose played against such legends as Gordie Howe, Jean Beliveau, and Maurice Richard.