Indigenous people have experienced seven generations of genocide through the residential school eras. Indigenous people today are laying the foundation for the Eighth Fire (eighth generation) to be lit. The generation to come includes those who make a choice of coming together for community, the environment and to fundamentally shift ways of knowing.
Indigenous people are Canada's fastest-growing demographic. It is absolutely essential to work out Indigenous issues. From 1870 - 1996 Canada adopted a policy of forced assimilation to "kill the Indian in the child." Indigenous people have experienced seven generations of loss of language and culture where physical, emotinal, sexual abuse and neglect was common. It is time to light the "Eighth Fire".
As Canadians, we share a responsibility to look after each other and acknowledge the pain and suffering that our diverse societies have endured - a pain that has been handed down to the next generations. We need to right those wrongs, heal together, and create a new future that honours the unique gifts of our children and grandchildren.
Excerpt from Elders Statement and Vision Reconciliation Canada.
Saul Indian Horse is dying. Tucked away in a hospice high above the clash and clang of a big city, he embarks on a marvellous journey of imagination back through the life he led as a northern Ojibway, with all its sorrows and joys.
A magical new novel from the bestselling author of One Native Life.